Easy Way to Crochet the Spider Stitch

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Don't you just love learning new and simple stitches?   If you can chain and single crochet it will be easy for you to learn how to crochet the spider stitch. Don't forget to save the crochet spider stitch tutorial on Pinterest so you can refer to it later!

Learn how to crochet the spider stitch with this step by step photo tutorial. It is an easy to follow guide for the spider stitch.

(Loving that hook? It's the Furls Odyssey Crochet Hook in Purple)

Quick Introduction to the Spider Stitch

The spider crochet stitch is a simple single crochet v-stitch. You are going to single crochet, chain 1, single crochet (sc, ch 1, sc) all in one stitch, skip a stitch and repeat the sc, ch 1, sc. After the first row, you will put a sc, ch 1, sc in each ch-1 space.

The trickiest part of the spider stitch is finding that chain 1 space. You'd think that would be the easy part but it gets nicely tucked between the two single crochets around it. No worries, we will walk through step by step, making sure you are stitching in the right space!

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Where can I use the crochet Spider Stitch?

The spider stitch creates a dense and gorgeously textured fabric. All of the Crochet Country set starting with the crochet dishcloth uses the spider stitch to create a fabric that is great for around the home.

By using a hook a couple of sizes larger than recommended for the yarn, you can still create a dense fabric with decent drape like in the buffalo plaid baby blanket.

Basically anywhere you want a solid, dense fabric with interesting texture, the spider stitch will be a great choice.

How to Crochet the Spider Stitch

Crochet Spider Stitch Written Instructions

  1. Chain an even number
  2. Row 1: Single crochet in the second chain from the hook, chain 1, single crochet in the same chain as the first single crochet, skip the next chain then single crochet, chain 1, single crochet in the next chain. Repeat to the end of the row putting the last single crochet, chain 1, single crochet, in the last chain.
  3. Row 2: do not chain 1, single crochet, chain 1, single crochet  in the first chain 1 space, continue placing a single crochet, chain 1, single crochet in each chain 1 space.
  4. Repeat step 3 (row 2) until fabric reaches the desired length.

Abbreviated Spider Stitch Crochet Instructions


ch: chain
sc: single crochet
sk: skip
sp: space


Ch an even number

Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, ch 1, sc in same ch, *sk ch, (sc, ch 1, sc) in next ch, repeat from * to end of row, turn.

Row 2: do not ch 1, *(sc, ch 1, sc) in ch-1 sp, repeat from * to end of row, turn

Repeat row 2.

Spider crochet stitch step by step photo tutorial

To begin, chain (ch) an even number. Learn how to crochet the spider stitch with this step by step photo tutorial. It is an easy to follow guide for the spider stitch.

Insert your hook in the second chain from the hook yarn over (yo) and pull up a loop. (This is the start of your first single crochet.)

Learn how to crochet the spider stitch with this step by step photo tutorial. It is an easy to follow guide for the spider stitch.

Yarn over (yo) and pull through both loops on the hook.

Learn how to crochet the spider stitch with this step by step photo tutorial. It is an easy to follow guide for the spider stitch. Chain 1 (ch 1)

Learn how to crochet the spider stitch with this step by step photo tutorial. It is an easy to follow guide for the spider stitch. Insert hook into the same chain as the first single crochet (sc), yarn over (yo) and pull up loop.

Learn how to crochet the spider stitch with this step by step photo tutorial. It is an easy to follow guide for the spider stitch.

Yarn over (Yo) and pull through both loops on hook. That is the first spider stitch!

Learn how to crochet the spider stitch with this step by step photo tutorial. It is an easy to follow guide for the spider stitch.

Skip the next chain then single crochet, chain 1, single crochet in the next chain. {sk ch, (sc, ch 1 sc) in next ch}

Learn how to crochet the spider stitch with this step by step photo tutorial. It is an easy to follow guide for the spider stitch.

Repeat to the end of the row putting the last single crochet, chain 1, single crochet, (sc, ch 1, sc) in the last chain.

Learn how to crochet the spider stitch with this step by step photo tutorial. It is an easy to follow guide for the spider stitch.

Turn – do not chain 1. Take a look at where you will put your stitches as you work the second row. That chain one space (ch-1 sp) is squished between the posts of the single crochets.

Learn how to crochet the spider stitch with this step by step photo tutorial. It is an easy to follow guide for the spider stitch.

Single crochet, chain 1, single crochet  in the first chain 1 space. { (sc, ch 1, sc) in ch-1 sp) }

Learn how to crochet the spider stitch with this step by step photo tutorial. It is an easy to follow guide for the spider stitch.

Continue with the spider stitch to the end of the row.

Learn how to crochet the spider stitch with this step by step photo tutorial. It is an easy to follow guide for the spider stitch.

Keep repeating the second row and you will see a beautiful fabric start to emerge!

Learn how to crochet the spider stitch with this step by step photo tutorial. It is an easy to follow guide for the spider stitch.

What will you make with the spider stitch? Check out the Crochet Country Dishcloth for a great beginner spider stitch pattern. The Buffalo Plaid Baby Blanket uses the spider stitch for the body of the blanket. It is dense, beautiful, and now, for you, easy to make!

Yarn used for the tutorial: Red Heart Strata which has been discontinued but can still be found on AMAZON!

Save the tutorial on Pinterest!

How to crochet the spider stitch pin image with spider stitch in progress


Source: https://www.stitching-together.com/how-to-crochet-the-spider-stitch/

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